President John F. Kennedy and the Fixed Stars in relationship to his assassination.

Fixed Stars give a chart that extra punctuation and their midpoints add a touch of sparkle.By using the midpoints of the Fixed Stars,I have found a new dimension and added clarity to otherwise obscure house cusps,planets,and other various components of a horoscope The blending of all the intergral parts tells something specific about a house cusp,or the planet.Two very useful books for this work are
Fixed Stars & Constellations in Astrology by Vivian E.Robosn,and Fixed Stars and their Interpretation by Ebertine-Hoffman. Both of these books are very informative and practical books to have handy when doing midpoints on the Fixed Stars.
John F.Kennedy and Paul Joseph Goebbels, are the two natal charts touched by Fixed Stars Hamal and Alcyone and are discussed in this article.
These personalities are so well known that their data is well corroborate. In John Kennedy’s chart we find numerous factors that cluster around one particular point. This point is so potent that it encompasses his wife’s chart as well as the natal Asc. of Dallas,Texas. His eighth house cusp (house of transformation) sits at 17º Taurus19′. His Mars(force) is at 18º Taurus 25,and his Vertex(Fateful encounters with people/sitiations) at 17 ºTaurus 57′.
Jackie Kennendy’s natal North Node is less than a degree away from an exact conjunction with her late husbands 8th house cusp,Mars and Vertex. Dallas Texas;has an Asc. of 19º Taurus38′,and Uranus at 16ºTaurus 52′. The common point between these two is 18ºTaurus 15′.which fits quite well onto the other points. Uranus conjunct the Asc. in a mundane chart shows the likelihood of some serious trouble involving the goverenment or it’s rulers. The common point between all these elements if 18ºTaurus 25′,and this degree stands, in full regalia,on the midpoint of Hamal at 6ºTaurus37′,and Alcyone at 28ºTaurus57”,which was 17º Taurus 47 ‘for the year of JFK’s birth ,in 1917.With it’s slow progession,by 1963 this point had moved to 18ºTaurus19′,almost conjunct the clustering at 18ºTaurus19′,at 18ºTaurus 25’. Hamal is call ed the Death Wound. It brings violence,cruelty and premeditated crime to the possessor of it’s accursed rays. Alcyone is the main star of the Pleiades,whose influence is grievous. The Hindu call them “Krittika”or “Karteek”,which means “to cut”.With these elements blended together,we can see the infolding drama as it played out on our televison screens across the country. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

 Goebbles was the head of all public communications fot the Nazi party. He committed suicide with his entire family during the fall of Germany.This persons natal Ascendant is 12ºLeo26′ and sits on the Fixed Star Acubens in the southern claw of the Crab. From Arabic Al’Zubanah,the Claw,it lends itself to malevolence and poison,causing the recipients of  this star to be liars and criminals.The solstice point for Goebbels; Ascendant 17º Taurus 34′ lies betwween the fixed stars Hamal 6ºTaurus12′ and Alcyone 8º Taurus 32′. As noted before,Hamal is called the Death Wound,bringing violence,cruelty,and premeditated crime to the posessor of its rays. Alcyone is the main star in the Pleiades. Again a very evil and destructive star. The real cincher is how Goebbels’ Asc lays between these two powerful stars. One can see how his view point and personal interests went hand in hand witih Hilter’s rule of Germany. Leo on his Ascendant shows the loyalty he possessed for Hilter even to the point of destroying himself and family in the end.

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